Become a Family Day Care Educator

If you enjoy working with children and want to make a difference in their lives by providing quality care and learning experiences from your own nurturing home environment, then Family Day Care could be your career of choice! Family Day Care can offer you the opportunity to start a rewarding career as an Educator with the flexibility to adapt to the changing needs of your own family.

Click here to watch the "Family Day Care Educator Scheme" video
Information evening is to be advised for 2023.
What do I need to be an Educator?
- Experience educating and caring for children
- A minimum qualification of Certificate III in Children's Services or higher early childhood qualification
- Enjoying the company of children
- Able to create a safe, nurturing, educational environment that enhances children's learning and development
- Able to create a collaborative partnership with families
- Have the skills to positively guide children's behaviour
- Able to run your own business from your home with the support of Council’s professional team of staff
- Have effective communication skills and value the diversity of different cultures
Do I need qualifications?
You will need:
- A minimum qualification of Certificate III in Children's Services or a higher Early Childhood qualification such as a diploma or degree
- First Aid certificate
- Asthma and Anaphylaxis certificates
- Some business administration knowledge
- Working with Children Check
- Home safety inspection
- Public Liability Insurance
- Adequate equipment
- Health and safety - regulations and standards ensure that your home and garden are hygienic and safe for the children
Is there a cost involved?
- There may be some costs associated with making your home safe, such as fencing, barriers for stairs, mandatory glass audit and storage.
- Costs associated with obtaining First Aid, Asthma and Anaphylaxis certificates.
- Insurance Costs associated with buying equipment for children, such as cot, toys, car seats and educational equipment.
- Registration and training costs.
- Professional partnership fees to Council.
How much will I earn?
As a Family Day Care Educator you are running your own business and you set your own fees. Council's Family Day Care department staff can advise you about this process. Many families are eligible for the Child Care Subsidy (CCS) and the Additional Child Care Subsidy (ACCS) which are Government subsidies to assist families with their child care fees. These are administered by the FDC department and passed on to Educators. Families pay the difference of the full fee directly to the educator.
What to do next?
If you are interested in becoming a Family Day Care educator and running your own business, please complete our Expression of Interest form.